Vasco da Gama







                                                     Vasco de Gama portrait

 Vasco da Gama




           Vasco da Gama was born in Sines, Portugal. In the year of 1460. Vasco da Gama died on 1524. Was a Portuguese explorer who discovered an ocean route, from Portugal to the east. He was the first person to sail directly from Europe to India. Vasco da Gama left behind his wife, six sons, and one daughter.  His expedition was rough because he encountered the Arabs in Zambezi. Finally Vasco da Gama was responsible for Portugals success as an early colonizing power. 



                          Important Dates



ยท        January 1497- Vasco da Gama was to find a sea route to the East Indies.



A.July 8, 1497- Vasco da Gama sailed from Lisbon.


B.    November 1497- Sailed around the Cape of Good Hope


C.   December 1497- Vasco da Gama reached the coast of Natal


D.   January 1498- Gama reached the mouth of Zambezi. They were attacked by the Arabs.


E.    May 20, 1498- He reached his destination, the Indies and Calcutta, India.







     I think Vasco da Gama belongs in the explorer Hall of Fame because he helped Portugal in many ways. Not only he discovered India, but helped Portugal when needed help. For example he helped Portugal when they were at war. He belong in the hall of fame because of his expedetion to India. His expediton was important at that time because Portugal was competing against for gold and fame. Finally Vasco da Gama was loyal to Portugal, and what ever the King said to do he did it.





Vasco da Gama  Space Exploration
Searched for new land in the east Searching  for  new land in outer space
Not that much tecnology back in the 1400's and 1500's Today we have lots of technology, like space shuttle, rovers, etc.

Cost  very few money compared to today

Cost lots of money




                                                                      Worked Cited


          , October 13, 2009, enchanted learning, Vasco da Gama.


Unger, Dallace W., Jr. "Gama, Vasco da." In Ackermann, Marsha E., Michael Schroeder, Janice J. Terry, Jiu-Hwa Lo Upshur, and Mark F. Whitters, eds. Encyclopedia of World History: The First Global Age, 1450 to 1750, vol. 3. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2008. Modern World History Online. Facts On File, Inc.

ItemID=WE53&iPin=WHIII108&SingleRecord=True (accessed October 13, 2009).
, Vasco da Gama, October 14, 2009